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Paavo Järvi's bag
"Scores weigh more than bricks"
Concert recording: Brahms' Hungarian Dance No. 1
Concert recording: Brahms' Piano Quartet No. 1
Brahms' Clarinet Quintet
My Take: Michael Reid
Episode 12
«Tram for Two» with Paavo Järvi and Anna Thorvaldsdottir
Handel's "Messiah"
More than just a "Hallelujah"
Intro to the game "The Magic Symphony Orchestra"
Cello register
"It's going to be a spectacle!"
Concert recording: Berlioz' "Harold en Italie"
Debut Petr Popelka
Conducting baton instead of double bass
Intro with Anna Thorvaldsdottir
Question 26
How does an orchestra react to new conductors?