Family Concert: Brave Little Tailor

Family Concert: Brave Little Tailor

Illustration: Jil Wiesner

Family Concert: Brave Little Tailor

Sun 02. Jun 2024 11.15 Grosse Tonhalle
Isabel Neligan Violine
Ioana Geangalau-Donoukaras Violoncello
Sabine Poyé Morel Flöte
Michael Reid Klarinette
Matthias Rácz Fagott
Jörg Hof Trompete
Hendrik Heilmann Klavier
Andreas Berger Schlagzeug
Klaus Schwärzler Pauke
Tom Tafel Geschichte, Erzähler
Das tapfere Schneiderlein Musik von Tibor Harsányi
Prices CHF 35 / Kinder bis 12 Jahre: CHF 10

Please note that this concert will only take place at 11.15 am (and not as usual also at 2.15 pm).

Is the brave little tailor really that brave? Or rather clever and cheeky? Whatever the case, once he has solved all the king's tasks, he is allowed to marry the princess. Does it still matter whether everything has been done properly? Theatre teacher and musician Tom Tafel tells the adventures of the little tailor based on the story by the Brothers Grimm. He is musically accompanied and supported by musicians of the Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich – a pure listening pleasure!

From 5 years

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