Reaction of the cultural centres

On the discontinuation of "züritipp"

For the diversity of culture - and of reporting.

On 17 September, Tamedia announced that Züritipp will be discontinued at the end of 2024. We see this step as a further chapter in the ongoing dismantling of cultural journalism. And it fills us with concern. With concern for independent cultural reporting. With concern for quality journalism that is not exclusively concerned with big headlines and fast-moving news. With concern for public discourse. With concern for the visualisation of art and culture.

Because we are convinced that all of these elements are an important breeding ground for an active, lively and multifaceted cultural landscape in a city like Zurich. Both the public and cultural providers are dependent on an independent medium - a medium that goes beyond its calendar function to carefully select, attractively present and intelligently categorise content.

Access to reliable and diverse information is an essential basis for living together in a democratic society. However, this task of journalism is under great pressure due to the current upheavals in the media landscape.

Last but not least, we are concerned about the future of cultural journalists, the people behind the texts. These journalists are experts with an immense amount of specialised knowledge and, last but not least, a passion for culture.

We have joined forces to voice our concerns together. A city like Zurich needs good cultural reporting and a suitable weekly agenda - just like in comparable cities. We are in dialogue with various bodies and are keen to actively contribute to proposed solutions and find new approaches through strategic partnerships. We support the expansion and strengthening of existing platforms, as there is expertise and great potential there.

About us!, anundpfirsich, Arthouse Kinos, Bar & Club Kommission Zürich, Bernhard Theater, Cabaret Voltaire, Casinotheater Winterthur, cineworx Filmverleih, Fabriktheater Rote Fabrik, Film Verleih Gruppe Waldner, Filmpodium Zürich, Filmtreff Kino Orient Baden-Wettingen, Frenetic Films, Gessnerallee Zürich, Helmhaus, Internationales Festival für Animationsfilm, Internationalen Kurzfilmtage Winterthur, Keller 62, Kino Cameo, Kino Xenix, KINO WILDENMANN – Männedorf, Kulturmarkt, Kulturzüri / Verein Forum Kultur, Kunsthalle Zürich, Literaturhaus Zürich, Löwenbräukunst, Maxim Theater, Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Millers Theater, Moods, Museum für Gestaltung, Museum Haus Konstruktiv, Opernhaus Zürich, Schauspielhaus Zürich, Schweizer Studiofilm Verband SSV, Shake Company, sogar Theater, Stiftung trigon-film, Tanzhaus Zürich, Theater am Hechtplatz, Theater HORA, Theater Kanton Zürich, Theater Neumarkt, Theater Purpur, Theater Rigiblick, Theater Stadelhofen, Theater Stok, Tonhalle-Gesellschaft Zürich, trigon-film, Verein SchlossCinema, Verein Zürcher Museen, Winkelwiese, Zürcher Theater Spektakel, Zürich tanzt, Züriwerk

published: 02.10.2024
