Launching Gustav – the beer
The Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich launches a beer with Bierwerk Züri.
In our project "in harmony with..." culinary art meets music - and it's going to be tasty: together with the professionals from Bierwerk Züri, three musicians from the Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich - Peter McGuire, Elisabeth Harringer-Pignat and Seth Quistad - have developed a very special kind of beer.
All three are enthusiastic amateur beer brewers (or at least drinkers) themselves and have given a lot of thought to what a beer from the Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich should be like. And of course it wasn't just about the flavour, but also about the name: the beer is now called "Gustav" because of the large-scale Mahler cycle that the orchestra is currently working on.
But what does the beer that our musicians helped to develop taste like? Sweet and flavoursome, just like a Viennese lager should taste. First brewed by Dreher in Vienna in 1841, the amber-coloured, bottom-fermented beer speciality revolutionised the beer market with its malty sweetness and spicy hops. In this case, however, it has a unique, woody flavour. You can find out where this comes from and what the brewery's own violin maker, Gianmaria Stelzer, has to do with it at the social get-together with live music from our musicians at Bierwerk Züri on 13 November.