tonhalleCRUSH – classic meets Salon Passion
tonhalleCRUSH – classic meets Salon Passion
Paavo Järvi Music Director
Sara Taubman-Hildebrand Moderation
Live-Musik im Konzertfoyer mit Musiker*innen des Tonhalle-Orchesters Zürich
Salon Passion
Marc Luisoni, Violine
Johannes Gürth, Viola
Stefania Verità, Violoncello
Peter Kosak, Kontrabass
Scarlet Cavassini, Klavier
Beethoven's Fifth in October, Mahler's Fifth in January - and now Paavo Järvi is also conducting Shostakovich's Symphony No. 5, one of the most hotly debated works in music history because Shostakovich was ostensibly following Stalin's instructions. However, only superficially: The sadness that runs through this work cannot be overheard. And Shostakovich was very clear about the exaggeratedly radiant ending: "This is no apotheosis", he wrote in his "Memoirs"; "you have to be a complete fool not to hear it". After the performance, as always, there will be live music in the foyer at tonhalleCRUSH - and the opportunity to get to know our musicians from a completely different angle.
By the way: the bar is of course open.
More information about Salon Passion: salon-passion.ch