School concert: Conference of the Animals

School concert: Conference of the Animals

Illustration: Jil Wiesner

School concert: Conference of the Animals

Sun 12. Jan 2025 14.15 Grosse Tonhalle
Mon 13. Jan 2025 10.00 Grosse Tonhalle
Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich
Izabelė Jankauskaitė Conductor
Angela Schausberger Schauspiel
Daniel Holzberg Schauspiel
Anú Sifkovits Schauspiel
Annechien Koerselman Konzept, Regie
Nina Ball Ausstattung
Lena Jaeger Idee, Musikdramaturgie
Team «Spielfeld Klassik» der Münchner Philharmoniker Idee, Musikdramaturgie
Konferenz der Tiere Werke von J. Sibelius, D. Schostakowitsch und E.T.A. Hoffmann
In Zusammenarbeit mit Schulkultur Stadt Zürich und Schule+Kultur Kanton Zürich
News & Geschichten
Izabelė Jankauskaitė on the move

Exclusively for schools

As the international human conference has failed to find a solution to wars, famine and environmental destruction, the animals Alois, Oskar and Leopold decide to hold their own conference for animals. The three of them invite animals from all over the world, from picture books, as well as children from every continent. They believe that the children are innocent of humanity's problems and want to include them in their plans to improve the world. The animals organise unusual measures to persuade people to bring about a peaceful agreement between all countries: They have rodents destroy files, moths eat uniforms and kidnap children from all families. The absence of the children makes the adults realise how important it is to create a better future for them. As a result, all heads of state sign a treaty aimed at peace and the welfare of children.

With the kind permission of the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra

From 5 years