School Concert: The Great Penguin and Banana Show

School Concert: The Great Penguin and Banana Show

Illustration: Jil Wiesner

School Concert: The Great Penguin and Banana Show

Mon 01. Jul 2024 09.00 Kleine Tonhalle
Mon 01. Jul 2024 10.30 Kleine Tonhalle
Ardemus Quartet
Lisa Wyss Sopransaxophon
Lovro Merčep Altsaxophon
Jenita Veurink Tenorsaxophon
Deborah Witteveen Baritonsaxophon
Margrith Vrenegoor Regie
Emile Zeldenrust Videodesign
Teus van der Stelt Lichtdesign
Judith de Zwart Kostüme
Har Smeets Off-Text
Die grosse Pinguin- und Bananenshow Vier Pinguine auf abenteuerlicher Reise zum Bananenladen.
Mit Musik von Claude Debussy, George Gershwin, Toek Numan u.a.
In Zusammenarbeit mit Schulkultur Stadt Zürich und Schule+Kultur Kanton Zürich
Trailer «Die grosse Pinguin- und Bananenshow»

Four penguins live in Katona at the South Pole. All are Beatles fans, all love bananas. One watches films with bananas, one wants to be a yoga teacher, one cooks with bananas and one trains kungfu. Every year, the four of them travel to the banana tree at the South Pole and celebrate a big penguin and banana show. But one day the tree disappears without a trace ... An animal adventure with saxophone sounds by Claude Debussy, George Gershwin and Toek Numan.

Exclusively for schools
From 5 years

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