Olli Mustonen plays Beethoven

Olli Mustonen plays Beethoven

Olli Mustonen (Foto: Outi Tormala)

Olli Mustonen plays Beethoven

Thu 21. Sep 2023 19.30 Grosse Tonhalle
Fri 22. Sep 2023 19.30 Chiesa di San Francesco, Locarno
Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich
Paavo Järvi Music Director
Olli Mustonen Klavier
Ludwig van Beethoven Ouvertüre «Die Weihe des Hauses» C-Dur op. 124
Klavierkonzert D-Dur op. 61a (nach dem Violinkonzert op. 61)
Pause Ludwig van Beethoven Sinfonie Nr. 2 D-Dur op. 36


21. Sep 2023, 18.00 Uhr
Virtual-Reality-Spiel zum Ausprobieren, von 18 Uhr bis Konzertbeginn. Mehr Infos


21. Sep 2023, 21.30 Uhr
Nach dem Konzert im Konzertfoyer
with Ilona Schmiel, Paavo Järvi and Olli Mustonen

Prices CHF 170 / 135 / 110 / 85 / 40
Programme Notes
Playlist Beethoven
News & Geschichten
What does original mean here?

Beethoven wrote five piano concertos – but no, Olli Mustonen is not playing any of them. Instead, he has Beethoven's piano version of his Violin Concerto in his luggage, which he has been performing with enthusiasm for years. The effect is confusing: of course you know the music, but then again you don't ... So this work is entirely to the taste of the Finnish pianist and lateral thinker, who always likes to present things a little differently. The concert is conducted by Paavo Järvi, who adds two more Beethoven pieces: The overture "The Consecration of the House" at the beginning, and Symphony No. 2 at the end.

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