Cosmos Chamber Music: Iveta Apkalna

Cosmos Chamber Music: Iveta Apkalna

Iveta Apkalna (Foto: Aiga Redmane)

Cosmos Chamber Music: Iveta Apkalna

Sun 10. Mar 2024 17.00 Grosse Tonhalle
Iveta Apkalna Orgel
Sabine Poyé Morel Flöte
Julia Becker Violine
George-Cosmin Banica Violine
Katja Fuchs Viola
Anita Leuzinger Violoncello
Frank Sanderell Kontrabass
Christian Hartmann Schlagzeug
Johann Sebastian Bach Konzert a-Moll BWV 593 nach Antonio Vivaldi (Transkription für Orgel und Streicher Marcel Dupré)
Toccata und Fuge d-Moll BWV 565
Maija Einfelde «Benedictus» für Flöte und Orgel
Pēteris Vasks «Musique du soir» für Violoncello und Orgel
Ēriks Ešenvalds «Voice of the Ocean» für Flöte, Orgel, Streicher und Schlagzeug (Iveta Apkalna gewidmet)
Prices CHF 85 / 55 / 30
Programme Notes
Kosmos Kammermusik Iveta Apkalna
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Intro mit Fokus-Künstlerin Iveta Apkalna

Our focus artists are distinguished by their diversity and personality. This is why the organist Iveta Apkalna can also be experienced with our musicians in a more intimate chamber music setting beyond the large orchestra concerts. The Latvian has chosen "Benedictus" for flute and organ by her compatriot Maija Einfelde and one work each by her compatriots Ēriks Ešenvalds (who, like her, was born at the end of the 1970s) and the Latvian old master Pēteris Vasks. He is considered the dramatic version of the gentle Estonian Arvo Pärt, and in Vasks' music his influences as a choral singer and composer are present. "Voice of the Ocean" for flute, organ and strings is dedicated to Iveta Apkalna. And perhaps Johann Sebastian Bach, and especially his Toccata and Fugue in D minor, simply cannot be missing from a personal organ programme. The second composition by Bach is heard in an arrangement by Marcel Dupré, who gave the work a new tonal depth through his "re-orchestration" for organ and strings.

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