Chamber music lunch concert

Chamber music lunch concert

Chamber music lunch concert

Thu 24. Oct 2024 12.15 Kleine Tonhalle
Haika Lübcke Flöte, Bassflöte
Isaac Duarte Oboe
Diego Baroni Klarinette, Bassklarinette
Michael von Schönermark Fagott, Kontrafagott
Tobias Huber Horn
Raphael Camenisch Baritonsaxophon
Anna Thorvaldsdottir «Sequences» für Bassflöte, Bassklarinette, Baritonsaxophon und Kontrafagott
Carl Nielsen Bläserquintett A-Dur op. 43
Edvard Grieg «Peer Gynt», Suite Nr. 1 op. 46 (Bearbeitung für Bläserquintett)
Prices CHF 40
Programme Notes
Kammermusik-Lunchkonzert 24. Oktober 2024

This year's Creative Chair, Anna Thorvaldsdottir, is already thematically linked to the motto of the chamber music lunch concerts: "Iceland in the context of Nordic music". Here, works by the Icelandic composer will also be presented in the intimate setting of chamber music - her piece "Sequences" for the unusual instrumentation of low wind instruments opens the concert. The rushing sounds of all the instruments merge into soundscapes that seem to have escaped directly from the stony, barren and steaming landscape of Iceland. This sound is typical of the Icelander, whose work is often associated with nature. Nature is also an important starting point for Anna Thorvaldsdottir. It is "more about the space that nature gives me, how I clear my head when I am in nature". Carl Nielsen's Wind Quintet op. 43, in which the musicians reappear after the deep soundscapes, has a completely different feel: Melodies reminiscent of folk music characterise the work, which is now considered the most important chamber music work by the Dane. Finally, the "Peer Gynt" Suite No. 1 rounds off the concert with well-known melodies to Hendrik Ibsen's drama about the good-for-nothing Peer Gynt.

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