A beer called Gustav

A beer called Gustav

Bierwerk Züri (Foto: J.P. Ritler)

A beer called Gustav

Wed 13. Nov 2024 18.30 Bierwerk Züri
Heinz Saurer Trompete
Jörg Hof Trompete
Seth Quistad Posaune
Marco Rodrigues Posaune
Bill Thomas Bassposaune
Peter McGuire Violine
Elisabeth Harringer-Pignat Violine
Antonia Siegers-Reid Viola
Gabriele Ardizzone Violoncello
Das Surprise-Programm wird von den Musiker*innen kuratiert.
Prices CHF 10 (Unkostenbeitrag)
In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Bierwerk Züri
News & Geschichten
Launching Gustav – the beer

"In harmony with..." the Bierwerk Züri! We celebrate the launch of our beer "Gustav" together in the brewery of Bierwerk Züri with musical accompaniment by musicians from the orchestra. Three of the musicians have a special connection to this beer, as they created it together with the professionals from Bierwerk and named it "Gustav" to match our Mahler cycle.

So what does a beer that our musicians helped develop taste like? Sweet and flavoursome, as a Viennese lager should taste. In this case, however, it has a unique woody flavour. You can find out where this comes from on 13 November at a convivial get-together with live music from our musicians at Bierwerk Züri.

Address: Bierwerk Züri, Hohlstrasse 418, 8048 Zurich
Bus stop: SBB-Werkstätte

Doors open: 6.30 pm
Start concert slot 1: 7.00 pm
Start concert slot 2: 7.45 pm

Drinks are included in the ticket price.
You can enjoy pizza from Napolicious on site.