Frank Peter Zimmermann plays Elgar

Frank Peter Zimmermann plays Elgar

Frank Peter Zimmermann (Foto: Irène Zandel)

Frank Peter Zimmermann plays Elgar

Wed 07. Jun 2023 19.30 Grosse Tonhalle
Thu 08. Jun 2023 18.00 Kleine Tonhalle
Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich
Paavo Järvi Music Director
Frank Peter Zimmermann Violine
Edward Elgar Violinkonzert h-Moll op. 61
Pause Dmitri Schostakowitsch Sinfonie Nr. 1 f-Moll op. 10


07. Jun 2023, 18.00 Uhr
Blick hinter die Kulissen – mit Voranmeldung

Prices CHF 170 / 135 / 110 / 85 / 40
Programme Notes
Elgar und Schostakowitsch
Playlist: Elgar und Schostakowitsch

As a composer, the Briton Edward Elgar was self-taught – but what a composer! His "Pomp and Circumstance Marches" were a hit; in the Enigma Variations he portrayed some of his friends in a way that was as original as it was successful; and his Violin Concerto also occupies a special place in the repertoire. It is probably the longest instrumental concerto in music history, and it contains everything that must excite a performer like Frank Peter Zimmermann. Last but not least, and typically Elgar, there are a few enigmatic hints that have left musicologists scratching their heads to this day.

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