Family concert: Thorstein and the giants

Family concert: Thorstein and the giants

Illustration Jil Wiesner

Family concert: Thorstein and the giants

Sun 22. Sep 2024 11.15 Kleine Tonhalle
Sun 22. Sep 2024 14.15 Kleine Tonhalle
Margarita Balanas Conductor
Ioana Geangalau-Donoukaras Violoncello
Kamil Łosiewicz Kontrabass
Alberto Navarra Flöte, Bassflöte
Diego Baroni Klarinette, Bassklarinette
Michael von Schönermark Fagott, Kontrafagott
Raphael Camenisch Baritonsaxophon
Janic Sarott Perkussion
Ruben Mattia Santorsa E-Gitarre
Atena Carte Klavier
Anna Gitschthaler Gesang, Erzählung
Johannes Voit Konzeption
Michael Mienert Libretto, Regie
Thorstein und die Riesen Mitmach-Konzert mit Musik von Anna Thorvaldsdottir, Iannis Xenakis und isländischen Volksliedern
Prices CHF 35 / Kinder bis 12 Jahre: CHF 10

Cycling World Championships in Zurich from Sat 21 - Sun 29 Sep 2024
Due to the Cycling World Championships, there may be travel restrictions.

The queen has died. The royal household is not only in mourning, it is also no longer functioning properly. The whole country is in turmoil. Who will find a new wife for the king? The king's advisors set off in sailing boats in search of a suitable queen. They dock and hear beautiful sounds on land, which they follow. And who do they find? Helga, a beautiful woman with shimmering long hair. The counsellors are able to persuade Helga to travel to the king, because the king's fate has touched her. The two marry. The story now takes a new turn, as the king's son Thorstein still has to break a curse and find the horse Goldhuf on an adventurous journey. Can he defeat the nasty giants? And what role does Thorstein's dog play? Anna Gitschthaler tells, plays and sings this fairytale story based on Icelandic fairytales together with the audience. They dance to music by Iannis Xenakis, Icelandic folk songs and music by Anna Thorvaldsdottir, who is Creative Chair of the Tonhalle Orchestra Zurich.

From 8 years

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